



A Million Tiny Worlds. Part I: Productivity-focused Nostr Apps

A Million Tiny Worlds. Part I: Productivity-focused Nostr Apps

The first article in the series will cover Nostr apps aimed at helping people organize their thoughts, plans and goals and improve their productivity.

Aug 30


Nostr is so much bigger than just social media, it is a decentralized communications protocol, which means that it can act as a tool of broadcasting any type of information across the Internet, and nobody can censor or stop it. It is natural, that Social Media was the first use case that came about - we see so many examples of people being stopped from sharing their views, their observations and concerns. Nevertheless, Twitter and Facebook replacements are just a tip of the iceberg. "A Million Tiny Worlds" will cover the "non-social-media" side of Nostr, which, frankly saying, many of us find much more exciting. Today we will focus on the apps, which could be generally categorized as productivity solutions; we will cover:

  1. Highlighter

  2. Listr 

  3. Pinstr

  4. Nostree

  5. Favvy

If you feel like more apps belong here, please DM me - your feedback is much appreciated!


Highlighter is an incredibly powerful productivity tool, which allows you to highlight (duh😄), share and comment on the most thoughtful expressions. Moreover, with Highlighter you can create both short- and long-form notes, categorize and group them into lists and even post them on behalf of your child Nostr accounts. A detailed guide on Highlighter is available here. An overview of long-form notes can be found in this post.

A quick overview

Highlighter allows you to:

  • Highlight any chunk of text - be it on a website, in a pdf document, on Twitter, or anywhere else - and turn it into a Nostr event. These highlights can be further interacted with as regular Nostr events.

  • Create both public and private lists, which can be interacted with like regular Nostr lists and serve as folders to contain categorized notes. Think plans, grocery lists, favorite books etc. 

  • Utilize lists as your Nostr sub accounts to post updates on your ongoing projects and keep interested nostriches updated. Here's my child account dedicated to the progress of open sourcing my educational Bitcoin-only project:

  • Use a dedicated chromium extension (not yet normie-friendly😅) to make highlighting stuff more convenient.

  • Log in with both a NIP-07 extension and Nsec Bunker.


Listr is a simple yet versatile tool that allows you to create, browse and manage Nostr lists. It comes in incredibly handy when trying to group Nostr events, notes or users.

Thanks to Listr you can create different kinds of lists:

  • Mute list: (kind: 10000) This is for muted users and conversations.

  • Pin list: (kind: 10001) This is for pinned conversations.

  • Categorized People list: (kind: 30000) This is a list of users with a title. Hence, you can store any type of people list you'd like.

  • Categorized Bookmark list: (kind: 30001) This is a list of notes with a title. Hence, you can store any arbitrary list of notes you'd like.

Lists can be further used for multiple purposes:

  • Personal interactions: Create a bookmarks list to not lose valuable notes.

  • Share with others: Prepare a categorized list of your favorite books to be able to further share this list on Nostr.

  • Personalized Nostr feed: Create a categorized people list and turn it into your Nostr feed (there are a number of clients that allow this, like Amethyst, Kiwi and many more). This lets you follow users' notes without having to subscribe to their account.

Here's a list of Habla News contributors I've put together:

Listr also allows you to add private accounts or events to your lists, which means you can secretly follow nostriches, create stealthy lists of notes and generally bookmark whatever you want without worrying about your privacy.

There's more! Thanks to Lists Nostr can even replace your favorite RSS reader:


Pinstr is a beautifully designed Nostr client for curating and sharing interests with the world. With Pinstr, you can easily organize and discover new ideas, inspiration, and recommendations. Whether you're into movies, music, food, Bitcoin, Nostr, or anything else, Pinstr has got you covered. Plus, you can engage with other users by liking, commenting, and zapping their boards.


Pinstr is arguably the best way to share your selections with "not-yet-purple-pilled" friends, as it offers an intuitive user interface, while supporting Nostr-native functionality. This type of apps are what I would call the "Nostr onramps," helping the protocol attract people.

Create your Pinstr board and start sharing today!


Nostree can be best described as Nostr-based Linktree on steroids. It provides a stunning set of functions and boasts handy interoperability every other quality Nostr app has. With Nostree you can create an informative landing page that will help you showcase any type of info you want across internet: your contacts, link to your blogging platform, traditional media accounts, projects you are working on ... you name it. But there's more: you can create an unlimited number of lists, making your profile shine even brighter and helping visitors of your page get to know you even better - you can create a list of your hobbies, another one with your favorite books, one with your favorite music and so on. And because these are Nostr lists, you are free to share them natively across Nostr and embed them like so:

Another cool feature of Nostree is that while Listr and Pingstr only allow you to create lists of Nostr-native events and profiles, Nostree does not enforce such restrictions. It utilizes NIP-51, developed by the creator of Nostree, which among other things allows just that.

Apart from letting you create lists, the app displays your recent short-form notes and long-form posts in dedicated tabs.

You can find a documentation page that clarifies all the aspects of interaction with this app here.


Favvy is another Nostr-native alternative to Linktree. It is in many ways similar to Nostree, while being more minimalistic. This makes it a strong rival to the traditional online business card platform. Make sure to check it out - it may be a great solution for those of you who want to use a Nostr-native tool to share your links and contacts with normie friends and colleagues.

Another nice perk Favvy offers is the ability to create a nip-05 Nostr address.


This pretty much wraps up todays collection of Nostr apps. Will see you next week with the next portion, where we will be digging into Multimedia and streaming apps.

Stay tuned and make sure to check out my Habla page - it holds a ton of detailed Nostr guides to keep you on top of this groundbreaking protocol and everything built on top of it.

Published in NostrGuides
